sourdough starter and salt


The hardest part about having a sourdough starter, is having patience and actually planning the schedule for your recipes. You often have to prepare the day or two beforehand to allow for the right about of rise. I’m going to share my quick and easy sourdough starter feed schedule for beginners.

This is an overnight feed schedule that you can use to adjust to your own schedule.

Preparation for your sourdough starter feed schedule.

Making sure that you have active starter is the most important part. I have a whole post on how to feed your sourdough starter if you need a refresher.

You can either feed your starter in the morning and leave it on the counter throughout the day until you get home from work. I tend to use this method when I am planning to bake my loaf on the weekend.

For my weekend loafs, I tend to feed my starter on Thursday, make the dough Friday night, and then can bake the loaf on Saturday. Again, adjust it to your own schedule!

Or you can feed it at night and leave it on the counter to rise. In the morning, you can leave it in the fridge until you get home later that night. I tend do this when planning a mid-week bake.

I make my absolute favorite Artisan Sourdough Bread loaf every single week and use this exact schedule, just depending on when I want my bread done. And I have a lot of really great tips sharing how to stretch, fold, and shape your dough, here.

Since I work at a hospital and have a busy schedule, this seems to work the best for me but you can modify and adjust to your own schedule however you need!


This feed schedule obviously depends on the recipe that you’re making, but it’s pretty much what I use regardless of the recipe I have.

The hardest part is truly planning out your recipe the day beforehand.

Try this easy sourdough starter feed schedule and once you get the hang of it, you can try tweaking it to match your schedule!