green juice


Are we still riding the New Year’s health kick resolution train? Yes, yes we are. Focusing on getting more veggies and fruits in because let’s me honest, we’re not super great at it. Or heck, maybe you’re doing great and I’m the one slacking. Well not anymore, not with these super easy, vitamin packed, green juice!

The best part – it doesn’t require a fancy, expensive juicer!

Let’s get started!


  • 1/2 Orange – peeled
  • 1/2 Apple
  • 5 Carrots pieces – cut into 2in cuts
  • 2 Handfuls of Spinach
  • 1/2 Squeezed Lemon
  • 4-6 Mint Leaves – blended and for garnish

How to Make This Vitamin Packed Green Juice:

The only thing you really need is a nice blender, I use a Nutribullet Pro 32 oz. blender. I found a white one at HomeGoods for $40 bucks, otherwise I linked the same one at Walmart (not an affiliate link).

Throw all the ingredients together with a splash of water and blend. Add water as needed. This will dependent on the amount of juice extracted from your apple, orange, and lemon.

I tend to like this green juice more on the thinner side so I add a little more water. You can also add pineapple or orange juice.

Because this recipe calls for a blender and not a juicer, all the fiber remains in the juice. Adding more liquid can help dilute this. Or you can use a cheese cloth and strain some of the pulp.

Pro tip: I like to prep two days worth at a time. I store the remaining half apple, orange and lemon, mint leaves, and cut carrots in a glass container until the following day. Wipe the cut portion of your apple with juices of your orange or lemon and it will keep well until the following day. Now you have an easy juice nearly prepped for tomorrow!

Top with some more mint and serve over ice! Enjoy!