

My husband and I used to make a homemade BBQ chicken pizza every Friday night with a prepackaged crust that we just added water and spices to. It was sooo good and all of our family loved having it when they came over. But then of course you know we had to try it with sourdough crust and it was even better! Try our spicy BBQ chicken pizza with sourdough crust, loaded with our favorite toppings. You won’t be disappointed!

Sourdough Pizza Crust Recipe.

I actually used Rocky Hedge Farm’s Overnight Sourdough Herb Pizza Crust Recipe for the bulk of this sourdough crust recipe, just changed out some of the spices for more of our preference.

Rocky Hedge Farm’s Sourdough Crust Ingredients:

We used this recipe for just me and my husband and it fit perfectly on my large pizza stone. It even gave use some left overs too which turned out perfectly re-heated in our air-fryer.

  • 1 cup sourdough starter (or 1 packet of yeast)
  • 1 1/2 – 2 cups white flour (I used all purpose)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp basil
  • 1/2 tsp parsley
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp thyme
  • 1/2 tsp chili flakes
  • a dash of olive oil

Instructions on Rising Times:

  1. First, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and knead for 5-10 minutes, I like to use my hand to to mix the dough together. Set the dough in a large bowl, and spray a little water on top of the dough to keep it from drying out.
  2. Depending on when you want to eat your pizza, depends on how you want to let it rise. If I’m not going to be eating the pizza until the following night I like to let the dough rise in the fridge overnight and throughout the next day. If I’m planning on baking it and eating it for lunch the following the day, I’ll let it sit overnight on my counter to rise.
  3. When I’m ready to make the dough, I either pull it out of the fridge or shape it right from the counter using a rolling pin and a little extra flour. I shaped mine right on my pizza stone. But I’ve also baked it in a cast iron before and shaped it on the counter before transferring it to the cast iron.

If you need tips on How to Use, Clean, and Store Your Cast Iron Skillet, I wrote a whole post on it

Baking the Sourdough Pizza Dough.

  1. Turn on your oven or grill (we love using our Traeger Grill especially in the warm Texas summers!). If you use a cast iron skillet, preheat just the skillet on 350deg for 10 minutes. While the cast iron is heating, you can work on shaping the dough. If your using your pizza stone, you don’t need to pre-heat it – in fact, please don’t. You don’t want to crack it.
  2. Place just the dough in the oven or grill for roughly 15 minutes until it is no longer doughy.
  3. Add all your toppings – see below for our favorite toppings to get the perfect spice!
  4. Add the pizza with all the toppings back to the oven or grill for another 15 minutes until the cheese is melted
  5. Let cool, slice it up, and enjoy!

Toppings for that Spicy BBQ Chicken Flavor:

  1. BBQ as pizza sauce is the only way to go
  2. Shredded cheese – we use mozzarella and fiesta blend
  3. Cooked chicken cut into pieces – we usually microwave ours first to make sure it is fully heated
  4. Hot Calabrese – not necessary but definitely extra delicious! We get ours at Aldi that comes in three pack of various flavores
  5. Thinly sliced onions
  6. Layer on some jalapeƱos – if you dare keep those seeds in for an extra kick of spice
  7. Chopped up green peppers
  8. Spinach mix – we love spinach and arugula mix!

And of course add as much or as little as it works for your family!

Try it out and let us know what you think or like to add to your favorite homemade pizza!